Digital Code of Conduct
1. Behave in a ethical way in the digital world as I do the real world.
2. Use technology in an appropriate manner.
3. DO NOT break any laws or rules dealing with the use of technology.
4. Be responsible when using technology.
5. Respect yourself and others when using technology.
6. Do not use technology in a harmful or degrading manner.
7. Have consideration of, and respect for, school and peer technological resources and use them appropriately.
8. Act safely in the digital world to prevent disruption or harm to myself and others.
9. Have a balanced, healthy lifestyle relationship with technology.
10. Protect yourself and others by reporting digital abuse of people and property.
11. Ensure the privacy of your own information.
12. Do not invade anyone’s digital profile and do not abuse it.
1. When you do not adhere to these requirements you will not be able to use this institutes technology any longer.
2. Based on your actions and the seriousness thereof, a hearing will be held to determine whether or not you will be allowed to finish your course at this institute.
3. If your actions has serious consequences you will be asked to pay a fine to correct your wrongs.
Enforcing and Managing
In the beginning of each school year the Digital Code of Conduct will be discussed with the students and on the registration contract both student and parent/guardian has to read and sign this. The devices at the college will be kept an eye on for any suspicious doings from the students.
(Anon. n.d. Digital Code of Conduct. Accessed 16 May 2015.
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